Hello, my fellow Runner! I hope your day is going great. How are you? Have you been out for a run today? If you haven’t it’s okay, don’t feel bad about it, sometimes we need to take some rest. You can always run tomorrow. The most important thing is to listen to your body. Don’t push too hard in the beginning, take it slow and steady.
Sometimes whilst scrolling through social media I find myself feeling awful just by comparing myself to others. I want to tell you that it’s okay not to run every day and to remember to enjoy your own process.

In this post, I will talk about some must-read running books, for those days when it’s raining, or you have an easy day and want to enjoy a great read.
A little bit more than a year ago, I came across a book called “Finding Ultra” by Rich Roll. His story is so inspiring and eye-opening, that I wanted to start running almost immediately. I can say without a doubt, that it was the lighting switch for my new running life.
Before I started on this journey I couldn’t even go for a 3-mile jog, I was out of shape and couldn’t even be bothered to leave the comfort of my house. As I went by the books mentioned below, I started applying some stuff, my passion for running became bigger and now I can run farthest and fastest than ever. I am 34 years old and I just ran my first marathon. I never thought I was gonna be able to do so, but my Plant-Based diet and running discipline have really paid off.
All of the books mentioned here are amazing and a must-have! Not only do they discuss running, but life as well. I seriously recommend you buy them, they are a must. Use the advice that you resonate most with. Try some stuff, whatever feels right keep using it.
Finding Ultra

This is the first book on running I ever read, it was so inspiring in so many different ways. In this book, Ultra-marathoner Rich Roll tells his life story in such a detailed way that it is hard not to want to become a better person after reading this book.
He touches on some very interesting subjects that will resonate with you even if you are not a runner.
After years of overcoming alcoholism, Rich was almost 40 and a bit overweight, until one night after climbing some steps on his house, he found himself grasping for air. It was right then that he knew something had got to change. He then adopted a plant-based lifestyle and became a lean-mean athlete.
What he has accomplished ever since is very impressive. He is now a well-known person and athlete worldwide in the sports community.
Born to Run
If you like running you are gonna love this one. In this amazing book, author Christopher McDougall, tells the story of Caballo Blanco, an American living in the Copper Canyons in Chihuahua, running and living amongst the best tribe of runners in the world, the Tarahumaras.

He talks about how Caballo’s passion for running, took him to leave everything behind in the States, then proceeded to move to a remote place on earth and to found one of the best ultra-marathon in the whole world, the Caballo Blanco ultra-marathon.
In this book, the author talks about how the Tarahumaras don’t wear fancy cushioned shoes as almost every urban runner does, quite the contrary, they use their zero-drop, homemade huaraches (sandals), which feature a very thin sole.
By the way, this book is the reason I started running on trails, and why I am transitioning into zero-drop, minimalist shoes. If you are into minimalist shoes you are gonna love this book.
Eat & Run
This book tells the amazing story of one of the greatest ultra-runners of all time (if not the best), Scott Jurek, and how he went from being the small kid in the school to winning the Western States 100 race seven times in a row. If you are not familiar with this race, it’s one of the most famous and iconic ultra marathons in the world. It gathers the toughest trail runners in the world, all of whom want to prove they are the best. Scott is an example of how your discipline and mind can take you places you never even know you could get.

Fun fact, I came across his name because he is mentioned in “Born to run”. Also, Scott is a Vegan.
Scott Jurek also shares some incredible plant-based recipes that he uses to fuel his runs. To be honest, the mushroom and lentil burger is my favorite! You need to try it ASAP.
Run like a Pro (Even if you are slow)
Matt Fitzgerald teamed up with Olympic coach Ben Rosario to show readers how to take the best practices in elite running and adopt them within the limits of their own ability. Whether you are looking to start running or set a new PR, this book comes with training plans (with three levels) for a 5k, 10k, half-marathon, marathon, and ultra-marathon!

I used this book to train for my first marathon and ultra-marathon! I just love it.
I am the proof that you don’t need to pay an expensive coach in order for you to run your first marathon. Just by following the training blocks that are described in the book, you will do just fine. Remember not to overdo it. Keep listening to your body, if you feel that you are not ready for the amount of training that is described here, look for help.
Take it easy and enjoy the process.
To conclude
I want to be clear that these books have been so inspiring to me. I have followed a lot of advice from them. If you resonate with some of the tips shared in these books don’t hesitate to try them. It’s only what works for you. So the more stuff you try, the more you are gonna know what to keep using and what to disregard.
I can’t wait for you to read some of these amazing stories. If you do so and have any comments you would like to discuss, feel free to contact me. Also, if you have any book recommendations hit me up, I would love to keep reading and learning.
[…] 4 best running books for inspiration […]